Hello all,
We've released the Hotfix (Alpha 1.4.21) to our default branch on Steam. You can find our patch notes below. Please report bugs and issues in game using the F1 menu.
Patch Notes - Alpha v1.4.21 (Hot Fix)
Temporarily disabled shift moving items due to stability issues.
Fix for SERVER CRASH caused by containers.
Fix for player not being able to damage locks in some scenarios.
Fix for player not being able to damage AI while crouched.
Network performance improvements for zombies.
Fix for zombie animator not being enabled in the distance. Should prevent T pose from happening when zombie is far away.
Fix for female zombie LOD3, mesh was missing.
Fix for player not being able to type in password after first join.
Fix for invalid password when trying to rejoin a server with a password after dying.
Fix for clicking water when looking at soil not working for watering can.
Fix for energy bottles/canteens not applying stamina properly.
Fix for not being able to scroll when mouse is over server name in lobby.
Fixed issue where sometimes growing wouldn't register.
Improved item moving fluidity by making it more responsive.
Headshots working on zombies that are further than 6 meters.
Zombies can now hit the player when the player walks directly away.
Jerry cans no longer get removed from the inventory when moving all parts to vehicles.
M-357 No longer breaks when running while inspecting.
No longer possible to drop or place items on water.
Now possible to move all and take all from machines.
Consuming from the ground no longer breaks melee weapons
Hitting fire with melee weapons that don't catch fire no longer breaks the melee weapon.
Can now pick up loot from beds.
Head impact sound improved.
Suppressed ARG’s no longer spam out an error each time the player shoots.
Fix for not being able to hit zombies when looking at window sill
Multiple objects can now be hit with the same melee hit. This means the player can hit a zombie even if there’s something like a workbench in the way of the swing.