We have released 1.17.0 on our experimental branch. Please report bugs and issues in game using the F1 menu. If you'd like to track the patch progress and follow more closely with development, check our changelog and please consider joining our Discord.
How to get into experimental branch:
Open Steam and go to your games library.
Right click on STN and select "Properties"
Navigate to the "Betas" tab and select "experimental" in the drop down menu.
Close the properties window.
You will find a single experimental server titled EXPERIMENTAL_SERVER. Join this for some testing.
Patch Notes - Alpha 1.17.0 (Experimental Build)
Fixed issue which stopped the player being kicked back to the menu when the server process cannot be started.
Persistence vehicles no longer disappearing.
Persistence parts from items like fires no longer disappearing.
Item hovers are now more responsive and update instantly when looking at them.
Made interactions with small items a lot easier.
Improved issue where player has to hold mouse over items for a while when pressing/holding interact.
Slight increase to interaction distance.
Tweaked colliders on fortifications to allow for easier placing on windows
Fixed hordes not being beatable at later levels caused by delay being too long between zombie spawning.
Zombies now do a bit more damage to fortifications for later horde levels.
Zombie health increased slightly less for later hordes to balance against them doing more damage to fortifications.
Added /hordedifficulty commands for admins
Fixed FRKS weapon clipping into the camera.
Tweaks to door collider to improve shooting through gap in door.
Lowered damage applied to guns when shooting fortifications
Tweaked collider on barbed wire trap for easier placing
Fixed horde difficulty hardcore not fully working. More zombies will now come at once at the hardcore horde difficulty configuration.
Reduced logoff timer from 10 to 5 seconds
Placement mode is now continuous for all items.
Chainsaw no longer spawning at melee container.
Reduced loot amounts slightly in houses.
Flashlights no longer turn off when switching weapons.
It’s now possible to have both flashlight and headlamp on at the same time.
It’s now possible to consume items from your inventory while in a container.
Damage to players from zombies is now halved when the player is in a vehicle.
Players no longer get damaged in vehicles until all windows are smashed.
Tweaked when mental health effects show and tweaked delay
Updated Translations from May 19th 2022