Hello all,
The team is currently developing the 1.6 patch. We're also working on an additional 1.5 halloween update with some spooky in game events
Prison Island Rework
Jos has continued development on the new prison island as well as the old. We'll be turning our old island into another small town and we'll have some screens and details on that in the next 1.6 preview blog. Below you'll see some shots of the new prison island including the draw bridge and foot bridge below it. The island isn't as large as the original but contains far more depth and detail. This detail extends underground to a sewer system, something we would like to extend to towns on the island. The prison is the largest POI in Survive the Nights so far. It features a complex maze of halls, offices and massive, multi-floor controllable cell block.
Halloween Update
We'll be introducing another update before 1.6, a little quality of life and halloween update. It only makes sense. We've improved some of the menu system (shown in last weeks blog) and added quite a few more loot icons. This is ready for release so we'll likely push that along with a few more Quality of Life fixes into our 1.5 Halloween Update. This update will of course also feature our halloween event! Some of you might remember last year's Christmas event. This year, we've taken some time and had some fun developing a few features that will likely stick around for other holidays. We've implemented a holiday manager which will allow us to introduce holiday content without bothering you guys with an additional download.
Merch Shop
While we're currently unable to sell merch in house which is what we would ideally love to one day do, we have opted into a 3rd party seller (Teespring) to provide those that have requested it the ability to pick up some cool merch and help out the team.