Where can I purchase STN?
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/541300/Survive_the_Nights/
Humble: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/survive-the-nights
Humble (4 pack): https://www.humblebundle.com/store/survive-the-nights-4-pack
What can I expect of the alpha builds?
Please keep in mind the game is still in early access. You may encounter crashes, bugs and various other potentially game-breaking issues. Also, many of the features are works-in-progress, while other features may not be implemented yet. Please don't expect to be playing a "finished" game.
How many people are currently working on STN?
a2z(Interactive); currently has 3-4 developers.
What engine is STN made with?
Unity 2019
Where can I get updates on the progress of STN?
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/541300/Survive_the_Nights
Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame
Facebook: https://facebook.com/STNgame
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/697158346/survive-the-nights
Can I stream/record STN during alpha?
Yes, we only ask that you please include a disclaimer with your stream or recording that states that the current version of STN is a alpha build and is not to be considered a finished game.
Is there anti-cheat?
Our servers are authoritative which means server logic is independent from the clients and most decisions are made by the server which makes it harder for people to manipulate situations. This will however not be all, we’re always looking for ways to improve cheat protection. We’ve implemented anti-chat and are exploring additional systems. Our servers will and can be heavily moderated this also allows for greater control of just how a server will run and how secure it will be.
What platforms is the game being developed for?
STN is currently for PC/Mac only with the possibility of porting to consoles in the future.
Is there be single player?
We've added solo play and server hosting to the game.
What are the minimum/recommended system requirements necessary to run STN? (Please keep in mind these may change)
OS: Windows 7 64bit
Processor: 2ghz
Video: nVidia GTX 760/AMD HD7870 or higher
Memory: 6 GB RAM
DirectX: DirextX Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
Other: Broadband connection
OS: OSX Lion 10.7
Processor: 2ghz
Memory: 8GB RAM
Hard Drive: 10GB available space
Other: Broadband Connection
OS: Windows 10 64bit
Processor: 3ghz
Video: nVidia GTX 1060/AMD Radeon RX 480
Memory: 8 GB RAM
DirectX: DirectX Version 11
Hard Drive: 10GB available space
Other: Broadband connection
OS: OSX Sierra
Processor: 3ghz
Memory: 8GB RAM
Hard Drive: 10GB available space
Other: Broadband Connection
Where can I find all of STN’s videos?
All of our videos can be found on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive. You can use and monetize any of our Survive the Nights videos. If you have any inquires feel free to contact support@survivethenights.net
How big is the map?
STN’s main island (Black Island) is around 64 sq. km. You can view the interactive map here: https://www.survivethenights.net/map
Is the map procedurally generated?
No, it is hand designed.
How many players are there per server?
We will start with 15-20 and we may work our way up in the future.
How long are the day and night cycles?
45 minutes with about 1/3 of that being nighttime. Server owners/admins can easily change this value.
How long is a day in-game?
1 hr in real time = 1 day in-game
24 hrs in real time = 24 days in-game
Are zombies in the game?
Yes, STN is a zombie survival game. You now have the option to turn them off through a private server along with many other server options.
Can I become a zombie?
No, you can only kill them at this time.
Can zombies break down walls?
No but they can break through doors if they try hard enough.
Is there be base building?
No but all 400+ existing structures are fortifiable and securable.
Can I have a pet/companion?
There are not currently any plans for pets.
What types of vehicles are there?
Land vehicles are currently being developed. STN now has an RV, car, jeep, police pick-up truck and a prison bus. Boats will also be coming in future builds.
Will there be helicopters or planes?
No, we don’t feel that aircraft really suits the island size or the realism factor in STN.
Is there be PvP?
PvP and PvE. PvP and KoS mentality is be discouraged with our mental health system.(edited)
Is there be a female character?
Yes but not for initial release.
Is there be character/clothing customization?
Yes, character customization will be worked on during the alpha stage.
Is there be cannibalism?
Can you sleep in game?
No, there are no sleepers in STN. As of right now, beds along with couches, sleeping bags, cots, hobo huts, tents and a few other items are just safe log off machines. They’ll basically just save your position. There’s a 10 second combat log system in place. We’ll see how it all works during the upcoming alpha release.
Will there be in game translation for other languages?
Yes, localization is important to us and we'll be releasing language packages to the community for translation during the alpha stage.
Is there a large HUD?
No, the only thing currently displayed on screen is the small chat box.
Can you group in game?
You can tag your friends and select the color of their name tag dot. That's the extent of the system at this time but we are working on a grouping system for a future update.
What happens to my loot when I die?
You will drop your backpack with your loot.
Is there controller support?
Not yet but it's planned for the future.